P53 Diet & Lifestyle

The P53 was started to help people with cancer and other ailments “get control of their health. “

The P53 Diet is a 100% plant-based diet that has been developed over many years. The years of research I have been doing have had great results for me, and everyone that has chosen to eat this plan. Part of a successful diet plan is the ability for the body and mind to function the way they were designed to. In order for this to happen, the right amount of nutrients needs to be available when the proteins, hormones, and enzymes need to be made. If the body does not have the nutrients to make proteins, hormones, and enzymes, then certain metabolic processes may not happen. If we put toxins in our bodies, we know that they can stop a lot of the pathways from happening. A great way to keep toxins out of our bodies is to keep animal products from entering the mouth. Many toxins enter our bodies through the animal fat we consume. We need to keep our immune system 100% ready to fight any pathogens that enter our bodies. This is where we need to eat things like garlic, white mushrooms, yellow bell peppers, and other fruits and vegetables.

Eating an array of different plants helps the gut microbiome. New research shows that eating high-fiber diets helps with weight loss. Our bodies need gut microbes. Microbes come from eating different plants, nuts, seeds, mushrooms everything offered in the P53 Diet. While limiting calories is not the only weight loss strategy (limiting calories helps to make sure you are not overeating), there are other factors that come into play. These include exercise, minimizing the intake of processed foods, and leaving out animal products, there is a lot of misinformation out there. I have come across studies that have ties to animal products to achieve good results that benefit the industry. Our only concern at the P53 Diet is to give you the best information to get you healthy. 

This plan is really a lifestyle, not a diet. If you eat this plant-based diet and follow the 20-step plan the chance of hitting your desired weight is higher than other diet plans out there. Plus eating the P53 Diet way will help keep your organs healthy and lower your risk of cancers and other ailments. Because of the success of the P53 Diet, we have now launched P53 Food Carts and P53 Catering operations. The P53 will also start bottling and packaging the great-tasting sauces and food.